(Re)Introducing the Surface Management and Support Suite | Microsoft Community Hub
This blog outlines the new features and many benefits of the recently revamped Surface Management and Support Suite from Microsoft. It provides a centralized set of portals to help IT admins efficiently manage and monitor Surface devices on a wide scale - providing unparalleled insights and visibility. As explained in this blog post, the suite includes the Surface Management Portal in the Intune admin center and the Surface Support Portal in the Microsoft 365 center.
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(Re)Introducing the Surface Management and Support Suite | Microsoft Community Hub
published by Derive Technologies
Derive Technologies, was founded in 2000 through the combination of two long-standing technology firms dating back as far as 1986; and incorporated as “Derive Technologies” in the beginning of 2001. Derive's team -- all of them already long-time collaborators at the time of the company's official founding -- continue to design and deliver progressive business-technology solutions that meet the challenges of New York Metro Area, national, and global enterprises, with a focus on on-going cost reduction. Starting as a local system integrator, Derive grew to become a value-added enterprise reseller (VAR), and, now, a recognized national and international IT business consultancy.